Thursday, September 30, 2010

Food for thought....

How is it that seemingly incompetent people are in charge of making decisions for peoples' lives?  Even more confusing to me is the fact that these people have no real regard for the other people.

It makes me sad and leaves me underwhelmed at the lack of commitment to integrity, respect, and loyalty.

It angers me that there is no trust when there should be and no honor in doing a job the right way in order to protect the innocent and take care of others.

When did people stop caring?  When did personal, self serving judgment calls override what is right for the task at hand and for the people productively and effectively completing said task?

How is it that the people "in charge" posses poor communication skills, lack empathy, and do not know how to listen?  How are you supposed to take care of people when you are busy pointing fingers?

When did things stop being seen for what they are?  Since when is it someone else's responsibility to pick up the pieces from another person's foul?  Since when does it make sense to expect a person to do something you would not do yourself?

Since when is it ok to place blame on someone unfairly?  Where is the justice in that?  Where is the honor in that?  Where is the integrity in that?  There isn't any.

I really wish people would be less knee-jerk reactive to situations and actually pay attention to what is happening before they go off and say hurtful things, make accusations, and determine the situation through fogged lenses and broken information.

If you are a leader then lead.  Lead by example.  Lead by an example that you want others to follow.

Lead in a way that exudes integrity, respect, honor, and loyalty.  Serve selflessly for the people you are in charge of.  Even God was the servant of the people, though he lead and taught them.

Any successful leader has been a servant of those they ruled over because the people and their well-being was top priority.  

Leaders (by position, not definition) who led through self serving motivation were not leaders; they were selfish and self centered.  People who lead in this fashion now are no different.  They are failures as leaders.

Being a leader is something to be proud of, something to take seriously, something to use as a platform to take care of others and act in their best interest.  It is not intended to be used as a vehicle for manipulation, threats, degradation, humiliation, or fear tactics.

It is a shame, really, to have such poor leadership in this world.  But, it is not impossible to make a difference.

One person at a time can make a difference.

If you are a leader or strive to be, take into consideration the responsibilities that position requires.  Do the right thing.  Be a leader of people not a leader of illogical and irrational self service.

There is already enough of that.

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