Sunday, January 16, 2011

18 weeks out

Well, this week was the first week back to training.

I did pretty well, as my body is weak and recovering from a nasty flu strain.

I got in 4/6 days resistance training and 4/5 days cardio training.  It is a new program for me and I am a little unfamiliar with it so I am using this first week to go through it, kind of like a "test run" to get my feet wet.

Now that I am a little more "in the know" I am going at it hard this upcoming week.

I have also decided to incorporate some classes (new and old favorites) into my routine.  On the line up:  Pilates (<3), Kickboxing (I have taken a few classes before and it always kicks my butt!), Zumba (we will see how this one goes).

Along with classes, I want to mix up my cardio training with swimming, jumping rope, and playing tennis with my Husband, although, I am not sure how much "cardio" benefit I will get...I am not stellar at tennis, but it will be fun if nothing else.

Yesterday I prepared my meals for the next 7 days.  It took a while, but I had a plan and stuck to it.

I made:

Chicken Salad*

Frittata Cups with Oatmeal*

Protein Pancakes*

Huevos Rancheros with Rice*

Shrimp Stir-fry*


Shredded Chicken for Salads*

Tropical Coconut Shrimp Variation*

Chicken with Cauliflower. Onion, and Squash Medley

             *Recipes will be posted on the RECIPES page.

On another note, my Husband and I are still determining what living frugal means to us and we are constantly re-evaluating our budget. 

While we were talking the other day, he showed me this link on Budgets Are Sexy

There are many posts on the site pertaining to budgets but the one he showed me was about grocery bills. 

Normally, we budget $1000 a month for food.  This includes grocery trips (to include toiletries, cleaning products, trash bags, laundry soap), coffee trips, and eating out. 

Upon looking at this page we decided to slash our budget in this area and do an experiment.

Instead of $1000 a month, we have cut it down by 30% to $700 (which, is still well above what others spend.  This gives us $150/week at the grocery store and $100/month for eating out. 

We have our own personal spending allowances that we can use for coffees, lunch out during the work week, or whatever else, but the money allotted for groceries and OUR date dining is reserved for just that.

That saves us $300 a month which comes to $3600 a year!  That is a lot!

So, I decided to start the experiment at the store yesterday.

Right now, I am cooking for myself, so I cut the $150 in half.  That was my food budget for the week.

Before heading out to the store, I took a detailed inventory of what I currently had at the house.  Building meals from that, I added items I needed to supplement.  This helped my list stay small as I wasn't creating a menu where I needed to purchase every single ingredient. 

Then, I was off to the store.  I did not deviate from my list.  I purchased only what was on it.  My total was $56.  There were 2 items I was unable  to purchase on this trip, so that will add about another $7 to my overall grocery total, bringing it to $62. 

When I left the store, I was hungry and would have to prepare my food once I got home.  I hadn't had my cheat meal yet so I decided to go get some Indian food.  My total balance there was $18; totaling $80.

My Husband thought it would be more like $100, but we were both pleased with $80.

Now my fridge is stocked for the next 7 days and I can come home after work or the gym and just pop it in the microwave.  No fuss.  No mess.

Stocked up!  Everything is pictured here except the chili and the chicken with the Cauliflower, Squash, and Onion Medley.

No deviating this week!  It is all about the planning and prep!!
My plan is, because this food should last until next Saturday, I will most likely go shopping Friday after work and then come home and cook after the gym on Saturday morning. 

So, that is my update for this week!  I can't believe in just under 18 weeks, I will be up on that stage!  Time to get cracking on my vision board!!!

And I am interested in knowing, what do you spend on average per week at the gro sto?  What does this total include (food, pet food, toiletries, cleaning/household supplies)?  How often do you eat out?  Is this amount included in your overall food budget?  How do you break this budget down?  

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2...with the FLU

So, yep......I have the FLU!!!???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?

It seems like every single time I start a new training regimen I get sick.  I have been feeling a little poppy since Saturday night and it has progressively gotten worse.  This morning was AWFUL.

I went to the doctor and they told me to go home for the next 2 days and rest.  That means no training.


I can still eat clean and drink lots of water, so that is good.

Off to rest.  I am exhausted....pretty much NO sleep last night.  Ugh.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My JOURNEY to the Stage Week 1

So.  Here we are.  Hello 2011. I am getting ready to take you down!

As you may know, I have decided to compete in my first competition as a physique athlete on May 21, 2011.  I have chosen the WBFF show in Kansas City, MO and am entering myself into the Diva Fitness Model Division.

Competing has been a goal of mine for the past 3 years.  I have trained twice before only to be interrupted by a conflicting work schedule.  This time, I am determined to get out on that stage and show off all my hard work, no matter what I have to do to work around work.  I am doing this.

Today was the official start of my training.

Last night I prepped and cooked and packaged meals for the next few days (I will post my recipe for my protein pancakes...they are so good!) so I am all ready to go; clean food is at an arms reach when hunger calls every 2-3 hours.

I woke up this morning feeling like I am getting sick with a head cold.  Right now, I still feel the same way. 

However, I am going to try to work through it unless I start becoming congested; I definitely do not want to spread my sick germs all over the gym and kill people's newfound/renewed motivation to get in shape.

If anything, I can work out at home for a few days or if it gets bad enough, rest; as long as I keep my diet squeaky clean, I will be ok.

Today though, I had a great workout.  I pushed myself and definitely exhausted my muscles.  It.  Felt.  Great.

This evening I took my measurements for my suit.  I am a little bigger now than I was in the spring, but nothing too crazy.  About 1 inch in my waist, hips, and butt.

I also weigh 140, about 10 pounds heavier than when I got married in March.  I cannot blame this on the first year and getting comfortable with each other.

First, we are plenty comfy with one another already.

Second, we have only spent 3 months of our 9 month marriage in the same place.

The culprit is stuffing my grocery hole with foods that I should enjoy only in moderation....not whenever I feel like indulging, which is the course I have been taking for the past couple months.

In order to help kickstart my recovery I have designated January as a sugar and alcohol free month.  I have been imbibing and sweet-toothing it more than I should have.  Moving on. 

I am not going to stress over it or dwell on it.  I did it.  I am a little bigger.  Get over it.  Get on the horse and keep your eye on the prize (this is what I tell myself).

Are you impressed at all the cliché implementation?

I had a question about the size suit I should order since I will definitely be smaller in May (and way more defined!) so I am waiting to hear back from the designer.  I am hoping to get it ordered this week. 

In sum, today was a good day.

I ate clean.  I got a solid workout in that left me breathing heavy and sweaty (on a chest day!), and I got some errands and tasks taken care of that have been looming over my head for a while.

For now, I am off to bed.  Back to work tomorrow.  This will be the first day to test working out during my lunch break, which is my plan for the next several months.

Also, I will most likely post once a week, probably on Thursday because that is when I do my check in with my coaches at Cathy Savage Fitness. At that time, I will post some pics too.