Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I have been MIA....

It has been a loooong time since I last posted. 

I kinda lost my motivation to stick with ANYTHING the past two months.  But, I am back and better than ever.  I think I needed to go through some stuff, gain some clarity about myself and my life, and gently place myself back on the wagon.

Let me assure you, I am on it.

So, there have been several changes in my life over the past couple months. 

I started eating grains. 
I started eating dairy. 
I realized that I think I may have a sensitivity to gluten and dairy (in some forms). 
I stopped doing CrossFit. 
I started back in the regular gym, lifting and doing cardio as I embark on a journey to reaching one of my long time goals of competing in a figure competition (April 16, 2011). 
I am about to go home to a house I share with my Husband, but I won't be sharing it with him for several more months. 
I have started studying the Word more often.

I am sure there are more things, but that is a pretty hefty list as it is.  And not all of them are bad!


I allowed all this change to (once again) consume me and instead of taking it on and prioritizing it, I tried to eat it all in one bite....needless to say, I CHOKED!

But, now, with a clearer head a my priorities in order, I am ready.  I am PREPARED.  I am EXCITED!  And I am keeping my eye on the PRIZE!

My attitude changed when I realized why I was doing certain things.  I was doing them for SELFISH reasons and that is why, I believe, I was failing at them.

When I realized why I SHOULD be doing them, things became clearer...easier to see, easier to handle, easier to get my head around. 

Honestly, I have come to realize that I want to be the healthiest I can be not so I can look "hot" or get attention, or have an ego about my physique or overall look...I want to be the healthiest I can be so I can do the Lord's work.  Whatever that may be....whatever He has planned for my life.  I want to be able to carry it out in a way that is pleasing to Him.  And in order to do that, I NEED TO BE HEALTHY, alert, and ready!

I hope to use becoming a physique athlete as a platform to do that; I hope to help others through it, however I can.  It falls in line with what I WANT....I have a feeling that paying more attention to what God wants for me will get me farther.  I pray this is what He wants but if it is not, I am hedging my bets on His way over mine.  So we will see.  Until then, I will continue to pray for guidance and press forward.

So, this post is really an re-introduction.

I will be posting much more often than I have been. 

I will post about my journey to the stage.  I am about 19 weeks and 4 days out from my very first show where I plan to do bikini and crossover into figure. 

I will post about my accomplishments and my struggles and some pictures along the way too. 

I have an incredible support system and amazing coaches at cathysavagefitness.com.  She is an industry leader and continually produces success!  I also have a couple friends I am training with who are Savage Girls....which I will also become January 1, 2011 when I officially begin my competition prep. 

Right now, I am on another plan (I am using it as a preliminary primer, as I have been out of the regular gym for almost one year now) and and taking December ON!

I am dedicating the next 4 weeks to eating clean and NO SUGAR!!!!  I don't use sugar and sweeteners anyway, so I don't think it will be so tough for me...I kind of have an advantage. 

Well, just so you know what I did today (no specifics....you have to pay CSF for that!):

300m sprints coupled with 300m jogging/walking x30 minutes.

WHEW!!!!!  I wanted to...and almost did....quit SO BAD at 15 minutes.  But I told myself:

"No.  You are half-way done.  You are finishing this.  You can DO THIS!  Now RUN!  FAST!"

Then, I did my workout on my rooftop terrace while taking in the breathtaking sunset over the city and being energized by the generous breeze.  It was BEAUTIFUL this evening!  It was like God's little gift for me doing such a good job on sprints!