Monday, September 6, 2010

WOD you say?

Well, I guess all the rain washed away the dreary because when I awoke today, I was greeted with the most brilliant and beautiful sunrise!

In fact, it was so bright and beautiful outside, I thought I had slept in again.  I was a little confused as my alarm had just gone off and I knew I had set it for 630 but was convinced something was wrong because of how it looked out my window.
After getting up and checking my clock, confirming that it was early and not 10, as it appeared to be, I got dressed and headed out to CrossFit.

The past few days have caught up with me and I really felt it during my WOD.

Now, I want to put something out there and by no means is this a judgment call on anyone, but, when I perform a movement, even when it is for time/speed, I still give it all I have and try to focus on proper form.  Now, that being said, there are a lot of people at my gym who really just halfway do things. 

Their movements are not complete and I really don't even see how some people get anything out of the WOD.

Today's WOD did not seem too difficult upon reading it on the board.  But, it took me a lot longer that I anticipated to finish.  Here was the prescription:

5 rounds:

20 Jump Squats
30 KB Swings
40 KB Ab Twists
25 Truck Jumps

My time 28:50

Was that great time?  No.

By the 4th Round I was seriously considering quitting.  But, then I was like, "No way am I doing that"; I would rather take an hour and do it all and do it RIGHT, than rush through it and do things halfheartedly just to make good time.  No.

When I first got there I inquired as to what a truck jump was and what I was shown was a solid jump, knees to chest, soft landing.

What I saw other people doing were fast shallow jumps, as if they were jumping rope.

I was confused because it was taking me a lot longer to do mine that other people were taking to do theirs and we were doing them completely different.

By the 3rd round, I asked if we were going for speed of form.  I was told speed.  Well, that explains that, I guess.  But even when I was going for speed in the last 2 rounds, I was still trying to get knees to chest as much as possible.  Just because you are going for speed does not mean  you should throw form out the should do it as fast as you can without sacrificing form!

The same went for jump squats. 

I use a weighted ball as a target for my rear to ensure I am getting enough depth in my squat; I try to focus on pushing my knees out, keeping my chest up, and powering through my heels to jump as high as I can on my way back up.

I honestly do not know why this bothered me so much today, but other people are either not jumping at all or barely squatting.

Actually, I think I do know what angers me;  I think it is that they fly through their WOD and finish ahead then look at you like you are deficient.  If I gave a halfhearted effort, I would probably finish faster too!

I know I should just focus on myself when I am doing things, especially my WOD, as it truly is me against myself, but I am a competitive person and it comes out in times like this.  It angers me when people cut corners, regardless of what it is.

That was my rant.  I am done.  I am moving on.

So, anyway.....28:50.


I guess I can say at least I finished under 30:00 and I finished each round just under 6 minutes and I used proper form to the best of my ability. 

Yes, I like that positive outlook much better.

I just got a call that the fridge guy is supposed to come fix the fridge today...a couple days ago it was supposed to be replaced.  I have no idea.

Today I am just going to focus on getting the rest of my stuff done, try to relax a little bit, hang out with friends at the movies later on, and eat well.  I think I can handle that.

Update on the fridge sitch....The guys finally showed up around 230 and fixed the compressor.  Viola!  It works!  Now I just have to clean it out and let it get cold for a few hours.  YAY!  Now I can buy lots of protein!

Food Journal:

FIAGT:  Mango Smoothie  (mango and ice, blended) and caffeine free red tea

FIAGT:  2 oz Raw Almonds

FIAGT:  Good Morning Sunshine!; 1/4 boiled plantain.

FIAGT:  3/4 boiled plantain drizzled with coconut milk and sprinkled with cinnamon

FIAGT:  Apple, Good Morning Sunshine!

FIAGT:  Large Salad with Turkey, Ham, Onion, and Tomato.

****I totally did the steal this meal  sandwich makeover from the Whole 30 with my salad....after a little confusion and going back and forth to see if they could make it, my salad arrived and it was delicious. 

A word about the movie......

Normally, I am not a big Robert Patterson fan (I am not an Eclipser nor a fan of most other vampire/wolverine type stuff)  but I just watched Remember Me  and I am not going to lie......IT WAS GOOD!   

It  had a good plot, great acting, and an unexpected ending all while evoking emotion and connection to  the characters.  It drew me in and kept me there. 

If you get the chance to check it out, do!  Order it on would be a great flick to snuggle up on the couch with a nice cup of tea and someone special. 

Good Night!

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